Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cleveland Economic News: Giant Eagle Does it Again reports that Giant Eagle is ending their double coupon program in the Cleveland and Akron areas. They claim it's what consumers want. I seem to be on a constant Giant-Eagle rant, but I can't help myself. It's what the consumers want? Must be a response to the fact that we moved from first poorest city to the rich ranks of fourth poorest city.

I guess they need all that extra money they save by not paying out for double coupons to build the new Giant Eagle at W. 117th and I-90; you know, the one no one will be able to walk to?
Peace Out - 3C


Anonymous said...

What is Giant Eagle thinking? Families need help in stretching too few dollars already and the doubling coupons was a big help. Shame on Giant Eagle for their greed!

Cleveland Carole Cohen 3C said...

So very true

Anonymous said...

One of the only reasons I shop at Giant Eagle is because of the double coupon program. I am going to have to find some where else to shop for most of my groceries. O-well.