Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Cleveland Magazine's 'Rate The Suburbs' Out for 2007
They examined 76 suburbs and you can read about in on the Cleveland Magazine web pages. This year, Solon was number one. They examine city services too - also on these pages. It's a good read, check it out. PS: I don't think you can read about all 76 of them unless you subscribe.
I couldn't help but check out some of the other articles. There is one written by Erick Trickey who laments the lack of neighborhood kids who will mow for you these days. I have to say I love mowing the lawn but there were two neighbor kids who came by a few times this year to see if I needed help shoveling snow! So the young ones haven't completely disappeared from every neighborhood...at least they are alive and well in mine! Thanks guys! Peace Out - 3C
Posted by
Cleveland Carole Cohen 3C
Labels: 3C, Cleveland Magazine Rates Suburbs 2007