Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Give the City Your Feedback on Three Proposed Convention Center Sites For Downtown Cleveland

Spent some time studying the comparative analysis of three proposals for possible Convention Center sites in Cleveland. Rather than reinventing the wheel so to speak, go to the City of Cleveland Convention Center website pages outlining the three plans. In great detail I might add, including straightforward renderings & plans, and outlines of issues to be addressed in order to move forward.
The best part? You can email the Planning Department with your opinions. We all deserve to be a part of this process so let your voice be heard! I like the Mall West Block Site (rendering pictured here) because the location lends itself to a facility that large without taking up Lakefront/Public Square space that could be used for multiple purposes instead of one huge facility. For a map showing where the three 'Centers' want to be located, click here. What do you think?
They say there are no coincidences, so I am sending a vote of appreciation to Mayor Jackson's staff. The City website has become so much more informative since the Mayor took up residence at City Hall.
I would love to hear your comments on the three plans, what impresses you, what doesn't appeal to you. But most importantly, if you review it you can email your feedback to the Cleveland City Planning Department Allow your voice to be heard! Peace Out - 3C