Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Transit Oriented Development at Cleveland's W. 25th and W. 65th Street RTA locations

Nothing seems more urgent to me than getting cars off the road. One reason why I am lobbying for The Cleveland Hub project. That can only happen of course if there is aggressive work to improve public transportation here. So I am mildly optimistic about some of the City plans. The Cleveland Planning Commission is designating two RTA stops in District Two as Transit Oriented Development centers. One is W. 65th Street's RTA stop (which excites me because it's a great location for it). W. 25th Street is the other west side location. There is a triangle of land available across the street from the RTA stop. W. 25th and Lorain is one of the City intersections with the most commuter cars passing through each day. Wouldn't it be great if some of that car fuel could get off the road because people moved to housing near the RTA stop.

This information is revealed at the Planning Commission's Connect Cleveland public meetings. There are still two more: St. Phillip and James Church on Bosworth tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7PM and the last one at Gunning Recreation Center on Puritas Saturday March 3rd at 10:00 AM. If you have things you would like to say to your Planning Commission leaders, this is the place to do it! Peace Out - 3C

Dogs Welcome At Work

We are just not a stuffy real estate office. I am not sure I could work somewhere stuffy. One of the nicest things people do is bring their dogs for a visit. This is Manager Mark with his dog Pepper, who is a sweetheart. And very well behaved I might add. And dog visits are not just limited to colleagues. We have a few business owner neighbors and past clients who know we want them to stop in, when they are on the street with their pups. They say pets add years to your life. Since I don't have a pet at the moment, I consider dog friends like Pepper my 'rent a dogs.' So if you are in the neighborhood of the West Side Market with your pup, stop in, we will enjoy the visit -- and your pup might enjoy the dog treats. Peace Out - 3C