Monday, April 16, 2007

Free Coffee Today

Check out Cleveland Jim's Bargain Hunter's website. Not just for the free coffee (and yes, apparently Denny's is giving it away today in honor of Tax Day), but because it's a cool, fun site. I love seeing what he ferrets out as freebies.

Thanks, Jim! Peace Out- 3C

Mayor Jackson Announces the Clean Cleveland Initiative

My parents (and their siblings) were very serious about Spring cleaning. They washed walls, curtains, blinds, driveways, the street got swept! Turns out the City of Cleveland is going to start doing some Spring Cleaning of it's own. Maybe this is not a new initiative, but, it's the first I've heard of it.

The Clean Cleveland Initiative kicked off today. Apparently we can expect to see various City departments at work giving Cleveland a good Spring cleaning (this is what it says on the City website).

Along with that, they want residents to be the 'eyes and ears' for them. For example:

  1. Report high weeds, graffiti, traffic light outages, abandoned vehicles, etc.
  2. Report illegal activity (!) around abandoned buildings

You know how there can be vacant or abandoned lots and the back sides of shopping strips that seem to be magnets for people to dump trash? The City would like us to call 216-664-DUMP (3867) and report illegal dumping.

I guess it's time for me to get out and clean up my yard for the first time this year. Not to mention trim back the wild rose bushes before they start to sprout. Now while we are all cleaning up, apparently we will have company...City workers! Well, from 8am to 4pm anyway lol.

If you want to commend (or otherwise) any of the work that is done by the various City departments, you can call The Clean Cleveland Hot line at 216-664-2510 or you can email them at:

Peace Out - 3C