Forget Neither 'Rain Nor Sleet Nor Snow'', The Mail Delivery Can Wait!
There was a story in today's Plain Dealer about mail service during our recent Valentine's Day snowstorm. I know we did not have delivery on the 15th. My Cleveland street was snow covered beyond belief. This was due to cars parked in the street, making it impossible for a plow to do anything substantive with the snow. At one point that day I saw a small City of Lakewood pick up truck with a plow trying to make at least a path on the street - I don't know if the City asked this person to do it or he/she was just being kind lol.
Back to the mail delivery. There was nowhere to park a mail truck. I did not expect my long time mailman Mike to deliver mail that day in such treacherous conditions. Maybe it's just me, but I think cars should be off the street during a snow emergency. Ask a neighbor if you can park your car in their driveway. I know I would have been happy to allow one or two more cars in my driveway. First it keeps the driveway somewhat clean! Secondly and more importantly, the City snowplow can then come by and do the street justice. Just my humble opinion.
Today's musical selection? Song For A Winter's Night provided by Stonewall Studios.
Peace Out 3C