Sunday, August 19, 2007

Do you read the newspaper on the porch or on line? Do you read it at all?

The future of newspapers in print form is much discussed, but when someone as insightful as Joel Achenbach tackles the issue I take note. Have to love the title: I Really Need You To Read This.

I still read the paper but I do it on line. I admit, I do not read the PD regularly; many of my fellow bloggers remind me weekly why I don't by some of their, uh, colorful nicknames for it. But I do read the WS Journal and the Washington Post is my home page. What do you read? Do you agree with Joel?

He asks at the end of the article to comment on his blog. You can, that would be great....the POST also allows comments on articles...I find myself doing that often as well....

What's wrong with the PD? How can they sit back and look at the POST and the WSJ, and just about any other newspaper from an area with a population larger than 100k and their on-line presence is fabulous...compared to the PD, especially.

There are some great Plain Dealer reporters -- I'd read them more regularly if it was on line, because I'm just not liking the print version....what do you think? Peace Out - 3C


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Kind of looks like you've been spammed, 3C!

As to the newspaper . . . I skim online and believe the paper copy is soon to be archaic. The change in readership is apparent when rental ads are placed in St. Paul. Paper ads produce 1/4 of the calls of the online postings like Craig's List. I'll put my dollar where the readers go!

Anonymous said...

Occasionally - very occasionally - I put an ad in The Dispatch for open houses. A tiny ad costs around $100. Results typically are zero. Just not a good use of money anymore.

Mitchell Hall said...

I even gave up the Sunday Times. Even the real estate section I read online now. I will still read a paper when I take a train.

Cleveland Carole Cohen 3C said...

Bonnie I agree; and I love being able to comment on line to most of the Post articles I read lol. In a way it's a shame to think all print news would go away

Elaine: I only advertise in the Plain Dealer with my Company open house ads; no one reads the other ones anymore

Mitchell: I hear you; I even signed up this week for the WSJ on line. And I hope you have many opportunities to take a train and read the print version :-)

Cleveland Carole Cohen 3C said...

And btw I just deleted the spam comment lol