Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June is National Home Ownership Month

Bonnie Erickson is a fabulous blogger, so reading her blog is always a treat. I wanted to feature her latest post because she talks about June being National Home Ownership Month. The National goal is to increase minority home ownership. It's a good read! While you are there you just might want to check out her other informative and well-written posts.

June is also a good time to do some of those pesky chores like cleaning gutters, washing windows, repairing screens. I'm still working on weeding all my flower beds but that is another story! Peace Out - 3C


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link love. With all of your interest in trains, you might want to know that my honey has been appointed an official member of our light rail committee. It's a mixed bag as both of us are die-hard enthusiasts, BUT there's not enough ridership to make the system self-sustaining. That means building a good thing will be draining the state budget to the tune of millions of dollars in subsidy every year. Talk about a conundrum!

Cleveland Carole Cohen 3C said...

Bonnie that is great about your hubby's appointment! I know for The Ohio Hub, potential ridership was determined by location of jobs to homes. I am thinking you guys might be pleasantly surprised at the numbers of riders. In any case, the state of fuel costs is only going to make it more and more attractive!